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The safe and easy way to take your medicine.
Introducing COMPLY-PAC,  the daily tablet and capsule dispenser that takes the confusion and  guesswork out of taking medicine. Never again have to decide which pill to take when.
COMPLY-PAC is easy. Now your pre-filled daily doses are sealed in individual, easy to open blister packs for each day of the month. Clear, easy to follow labeling eliminates the guesswork of taking the rigt medication at the right time. COMPLY-PAC is perfect for those with weakened hands or poor eyesight.
COMPLY-PAC is safe, prevents confusion and overdosing. There's no reason to read and re-read every bottle label every time you need to take your medication
  COMPLY-PAC is for you. We review your medication schedule with you according to your doctors instruction's and then personalize your dosage schedule for you alone. Our computerized medication profiles check for drug interactions and maintains complete assurance that you'll be taking the exact medication just as your doctor recommends.
COMPLY-PAC is free. When you bring in your prescriptions, we'll be happy to put them into COMPLY-PAC at the same price as you would pay for bottles. It's just another way of saying we care about your good health! The only thing you have to do is sayCOMPLY-PAC please!

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